Biblical Name or Picture
Abishag the Shunnamite [her name meant "my father wanders"]
Scripture References
1 Kings 1: Abishag is brought to King David to care for him and keep him warm.
1 Kings 2: Adonijah desires to take Abishag in marriage.
Impressions and Observations
The bible specifically mentions her virginity and beauty and the fact that she was from the small village of Shunem in the tribe of Issachar. Although she doesn't have a speaking role in the biblical account she seems to have kept King David alive long enough to change history. If David not been kept warm and nursed back to enough health in his old age then he would not have been able to chose Solomon as his heir when Adonijah was the rightful choice. Later, Solomon pens probably three books of the Bible and is in the lineage of Jesus. So, God had a hand on history and on her life using her in His story and changing history.
Later in life, after David dies and Solomon takes the throne, Adonijah asks to marry her. This seems like it was a trick because the custom in those days, when a king died, was for his harem to remain in the palace and be the possession of the next king. If Adonijah had received Abishag as his wife this wold have given him a claim to the throne and showed that Adonijah had evil intent.
Personal Applications
When I think about doing any tasks to help people, I can be reminded of Abishag. She didn't know that she was changing history by serving and helping an old man. But, when we serve out of a humble heart, God can use us to change history just like her.
There are things going on in this world that we get to witness as pawns on the chess board. Like Adonijah trying to trick Solomon we can be used by leaders and governments. Remember that in the end, God wins! We need to have a trust and a hope that goes far beyond what is happening immediately around us and extends to the Great White Throne at the end of the age where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
Transferable Concepts
Most people will never know how God is using them in the grand scheme of things. It is our job to be helpful, useful, and beautiful in the way that He has made us. He has a plan for each life that is far beyond what we can dream or imagine. Humble yourself and serve the King[Jesus is now the King].
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