Prophecy > Tongues Sermon Notes Open with me to 1st Corinthians 14 and let’s Pray. -The Holy Spirit Teaching Us -Unity of the Brethren -To Pursue Love 1 John 1:5 “God is light: in Him there is no darkness at all.” Of all the light [electromagnetic spectrum] that is whizzing around us. Humans can only see what we call visible light, and this light makes up less than 1% of all the light, actually less than 35 ten thousandths of a % of all the light. We see in a mirror dimly but one day we will see Him face to Face. And so it is with the Holy Spirit Gift of tongues. There is some small percentage of the Glory that God is due that I am actually able to give in the English language. But, when praying, it can become overwhelming and we just don’t have the words to express to God what needs to be said, so the Holy Spirit intercedes for us with groaning beyond our understanding… and this exalts God to His True place, this is 100% of the light or 100% of ...
I'm just a guy with a bucket full of Grace. My goal with these writings is to encourage and challenge you to come closer to God through Worship, Bible Study, and Sermon Series. Join my 30 Days of Worship Challenge to get started.