The Foolishness of Preaching As Paul continues the subject that he started in chapter 1, the subject of the cross of Jesus Christ, to the Greeks foolishness, to the Jews a stumbling block, but to us it's the power of God to Salvation. Anecdote I heard a story about a preacher named Dr. Ironside who was speaking and giving his testimony about how Jesus had saved him at an outdoor event in San Francisco and at the end of the event a man came up to Dr. Ironside and handed him his card. And Dr. Ironside recognized the name on the card, it was a man who was a well known socialist at the time, known specifically for his agnosticism[which is basically a philosophical belief that we can’t know truth], in fact he was going around and lecturing in Universities on his version of agnosticism and ridiculing the bible and Christianity in general and on the back of the card there was a challenge for Dr. Ironside to come the following Sunday at 4 o’clock and debate the man in an open forum on the...
I'm just a guy with a bucket full of Grace. My goal with these writings is to encourage and challenge you to come closer to God through Worship, Bible Study, and Sermon Series. Join my 30 Days of Worship Challenge to get started.