I don't like the "Daniel Fast!" Reading this title might make you think that I don't like the "Daniel Fast" because it's hard and I like my sugary foods, meat and dairy. That is not what I meant by the title, although it is true. I love meat and eggs and one week into the "Daniel Fast" I miss them. However, my dislike of the "Daniel Fast" has nothing to do with it being difficult and being a challenge. After trying this out for a week, I notice that it really hasn't been a biblical fast for me. I have done water only fasts quite a few times throughout my Christian experience and they have been powerful times of prayer and mediation; freeing up the time that I had been spending preparing food, eating, and cleaning it up and using that time for prayer, mediation, and biblical study. Every time I have done a water-fast I have felt like my emotions and my own thoughts get out of the way and I can hear the Lord the most clear...
I'm just a guy with a bucket full of Grace. My goal with these writings is to encourage and challenge you to come closer to God through Worship, Bible Study, and Sermon Series. Join my 30 Days of Worship Challenge to get started.