The rooster crowed. The world would say that when a Christian fails, it is evidence against God. The bible shows that a failing Christian isn’t finished. Jesus sees the failing and still has a plan for you! We’re going to finish the book of John today with a focus on Simon Peter. We’ve been through a lot with Simon Peter and the disciples throughout this series in John. Jesus said, follow me, to a fisherman after miraculously helping them get a huge catch of fish, when they had caught nothing all night. Jesus called him Peter, which means rock, and when Peter said that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God, Jesus said, on this rock will I build my church. Peter had failures and compared himself to the others and wanted to be the greatest among the disciples and was told get thee behind me satan. Peter witnessed with his own eyes and was part of many miracles, from the feeding of the five thousand to the healing of the paralyzed, the lepers, the bli...
I'm just a guy with a bucket full of Grace. My goal with these writings is to encourage and challenge you to come closer to God through Worship, Bible Study, and Sermon Series. Join my 30 Days of Worship Challenge to get started.