Ecclesiastes Sermon #4 - The Meaning of Life - Ecc. 3:1-15 82% of Americans believe in God and that number has been consistent for about the last 60 years. Now, if you ask people what they believe about God, that is where the differences begin. Is God in control of World events? Most people believe that He is. Does God influence sporting events? 25% of Americans believe that he does. Some actually believe that God rewards athletes who love him with good health and success. But, if you ask people does God actually control Natural Disasters, most will say NO. Does God Allow Cancer and Heart Disease and Pneumonia? We say allow to soften the blow of this, allow, but really He is All Powerful and All Knowing and completely Sovereign, so is allow the right word? Or is He behind it? There was a scholar named Christian Smith, a sociologist at Notre Dame wrote a book back in 2005 where he coined a phrase to describe the religious beliefs of 20-30 something year olds in America....
I'm just a guy with a bucket full of Grace. My goal with these writings is to encourage and challenge you to come closer to God through Worship, Bible Study, and Sermon Series. Join my 30 Days of Worship Challenge to get started.